Now as this is my first post it is only right to pay homage to the most memorable stone I have ever encountered. On a summer vacation to NYC I first encountered the infamous blueberry strain which had recently starred in the Ludacris hit single and immediately fell in love. Upon arrival to the amazing city I exited a taxi and approached my brothers Brooklyn apartment when an incredibly deep and potent smell greeted me outside the front door. My heart began to pound and my mind began to race as I pondered the possibilities of what lay behind that door. Upstairs I was introduced to my brothers roommate, his beloved bong and the source of that intoxicating fragrance. The moment my eyes caught sight of those perfectly round unbelievably light green little nuggets I was in heaven and I hadn't even tasted it. I was offered a hit and gladly accepted. "Now be careful Doc, my brother warned me, Jared's shit is really strong." This only excited me even more so I obviously took the biggest hit I could possibly take and exhaled a fog of tangy deliciousness. Both fruity and skunky, with a blissful high that put me on my ass and gave me the giggles, the blueberry was definitely the most potent marijuana to ever cross my path. The nug itself was so covered in crystal that no plant matter was visible. The interior of the bud contained such a copious amount of THC that it appeared water droplets had accumulated everywhere and the stem or lack thereof was so thin it made me wonder how the nug was held together. One-hitter-quitter to say the least. Once I collected myself a half hour later I realized how excited I was for the two weeks ahead of me. That night as Jared prepared to go to bed I asked him if it would at all be possible to spare me a bowl and he gladly obliged. The moment my 15 year old self had been waiting for had finally arrived, some alone time with the sexiest girl in the room. As I broke up the nug into the bowl my fingers became so sticky I became incapable of completing the job much less being able to work a lighter. If your have ever broke up some high grade marijuana you know exactly what I'm talking about. I tossed the rest of the whole nug into the bowl and sparked the lighter with my thumb and pinkie finger. The first hit took me far away as the THC flowed smoothly through my veins and forced my eyes to water and close. I called up Mac to tell him about the wonderful experience I was going through and he followed my journey hit by hit listening to how much higher each inhale took me. I woke up the next morning, still high but not groggy or weighed down, feeling quite energetic. The next two weeks were some of the highest of my life and truly opened my eyes to the potential of chronic marijuana. There was no doubt in my mind that my friends back home needed to experience this so I smuggled a small amount back and smoked it all the day of my arrival, we got so high that my friends mom asked us if we were tripping acid. Rating 10 out of 10, best weed I have ever had to this day.
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